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Lojong and Tonglen- Deepening Seminar

Welcome back to the next chapter of our Lojong seminar series, led by the insightful guidance of Lama Thierry. This seminar is a continuation of our exploration into the transformative teachings of mind training- offered in the beginners seminar as well as on Tonglen Tuesdays.

Together, we’ll deepen our understanding of Lojong and its practical application in everyday life. Through gentle guidance and shared insights, Lama Thierry will lead us in unraveling the profound meaning behind each Lojong slogan, allowing us to integrate them more fully into our lives.

A significant focus of this seminar will be the practice of Tonglen—a powerful meditation technique central to the Lojong tradition. Lama Thierry will expertly guide us through Tonglen practice, encouraging us to cultivate compassion and empathy as we breathe in the suffering of others and breathe out love and healing.

As we delve into the nuances of Tonglen, we’ll also explore its relationship with the Six Paramitas, gaining a deeper appreciation for how these virtues are enhanced through the practice of mind training.

Whether you’re new to Lojong or seeking to deepen your practice, this seminar provides a nurturing space for growth. Join us as we come together to cultivate compassion, wisdom, and inner peace through the profound teachings of Lojong and the transformative practice of Tonglen.

Schedule and costs

We will begin the seminar on Friday at 16:00 and will finish on Sunday after lunch.

Suggested donation : 180 Euro for full board, accommodation and seminar

This suggested donation covers fixed costs at Gomde. If you would like to give more, you can help others to participate, who have less. If you can not give this amount, please let us know beforehand: nanda@gomde.eu

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Date & Time:

April 19 - April 21

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