RANGJUNG YESHE GOMDE | Germany - Austria

International Buddhist Center for Meditation and Studies

In the natural and scenic setting away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, Gomde offers the perfect environment to learn and practice authentic Tibetan Buddhism and meditation. Our program offers many possibilities for both experienced, practicing Buddhists, as well as beginners and interested people. 

In the daily meditation sessions, seminars and in everyday life we try to develop and fully embody unbiased loving-kindness, compassion and wisdom through training of our own minds. This is based on the insight that the primordial awareness (rangjung yeshe), which possesses these very qualities, is inherent in every living being. 

The center has been acquired, inspired and guided by the loving vision of our abbot Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche


Green Tara practice weekend

Tara is a female manifestation of the Buddha who primarily embodies swift, compassionate action and transcendent wisdom. The sadhana we will be practicing on this practice weekend is the outer […]

Powerful practice: Vajrakilaya and Chöd

From February 21 to 27, Gomde and the venerable nuns Ani Kunga and Ani Kunchok Palmo invite you to an intensive practice retreat dedicated to the powerful Vajrakilaya and Chöd […]

Gardening & meditation

Book now Immerse yourself in the beneficial combination of gardening, mindfulness and community! In this special seminar, we will discover the joy of gardening together - an activity that grounds […]

Phakchok Rinpoche- Living Wisdom

We are extremely pleased to announce that Phakchok Rinpoche will be visiting us this summer! At the end of August 2025, this extraordinary Tibetan master will be visiting us with […]

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Richen Shop

‘Rinchen’ – which in Tibetan means ‘jewel’ or ‘precious treasure’, is just what we wish to offer you. Carrying a wide range of authentic meditation supplies, traditional Tibetan Buddhist ritual objects and the finest hand-crafts, an experience in Rinchen Shop is akin to exploring the markets tucked away in the high Himalayas. Our wide array of gifts will ensure there is something special for you to take home and share your experience of Gomde with loved ones.

It is about an open heart and a clear mind.
An open heart is full of compassion for all beings. 
A clear mind understands the emptiness of all phenomena.
Developing this unconditional compassion and wisdom is the goal of our practice.”
– Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche



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1 entry.
Christian Bolorinos Christian Bolorinos from Madrid, Spain wrote on 28. August 2024 at 14:23
I came to volunteer three years ago. Stayed for 2 months, and I’ve come back for at least a month every summer since then. It’s a great place to learn about Buddhism, to practice meditation and to meet conscious people from all over the world.