Our Vision
Rangjung Yeshe Gomde – International Centre for Buddhist studies and meditation – is a meeting place/meditation center that provides a supportive environment for people who are interested in learning about or deepening their understanding of authentic Buddhist philosophy.
Gomde provides a special place for practice with the aim of gaining direct insight into primordial awareness (Rangjung Yeshe) for the benefit of all sentient beings. This can happen when our inherent qualities of impartial loving kindness, compassion and wisdom, unfold through mind training and meditation.
In this sense, Gomde supports and fosters study, reflection and practice of all Buddhist traditions through seminars and teachings, in particular the Kagyu and Nyingma traditions in the Chokling Tersar lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.
Life, work and teachings in Gomde are an expression of Buddhist heart and mind training, which is based on an attitude of joy and generosity. It is one of our central concerns to treat each other with care and tolerance to establish harmony within ourselves and the world
Gomde is embedded in the public and cultural life of the Almtal region and of the county of Upper Austria thus contributing to the public wellbeing.