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The Truth of Awakening- Khenpo Pema Namgyal in Vienna

This is an evening of philosophy, meditation, and exchange with the learned monk Khenpo Pema Namgyal of the “Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling” monastery in Kathmandu.

Khenpo-la has been a monk since early childhood and has enjoyed extensive study in Buddhist philosophy and practice. On this evening we will explore the foundations of this together and discover what relevance it has for relevance to our everyday lives.

April, 29th from 7:30 pm 9 pm

Margaretenstraße 63, 1050 Wien

Suggested donation for participating in this evening is 15 Euros. Everyone is welcome!

Limited Seats! Please let us know, should you decide not to come, as seats are limited to 20 people.

Want to learn more?
Join Khenpo Pema Namgyal during his seminar at Gomde from 30th of April to 5th of May. Register separately: HERE. 

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Date & Time:

April 29 - 19:30 - 21:00

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