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One month Ngöndro Practice Retreat 2025

This will be the first big gathering for Ngöndro practitioners in Europe lead by Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche.
Whoever wants to participate in the retreat, please register now! If you wish to support the retreat as a helper or with financial resources, please contact us!

Here is a statement from Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche about this retreat:

The One-Month Ngöndro Retreat is a life-changing opportunity. Initially, it was a retreat for monastics; I sked the monks to undertake a one-month Ngöndro retreat. Soon after, a few local people joined, and so we opened the retreat to anyone who wanted to participate.

Monks and nuns typically conduct this retreat with six sessions a day from 4 am to 8 pm. However, as this is too rigorous for lay practitioners, I adapted the schedule to four sessions a day for lay participants.

Many have asked me (Rinpoche) why their practice is ineffective. They mentioned lacking diligence, procrastinating, and suffering from laziness. It is clear: if we lack a solid foundation in Ngöndro practice, the results of all other practices will suffer.

To progress further on the path, it is essential to practice the Ngöndro in-depth and extensively. This foundation transforms us into genuine practitioners, giving us the confidence to practice daily and ensuring we never miss a session. After the one-month retreat, you will enjoy the practice, understand its importance, and engage in it enthusiastically.

Rinpoche now wishes to offer this retreat in Europe, at Gomde Germany-Austria. Starting with Wang, Lung, and Ti (reading transmission, empowerment, and instructions) by Rinpoche within the first few days of January. From January 2nd to February 7th, 2025, 150 participants will gather at Gomde to follow the monastery’s example and practice joyfully together. The transmissions at the beginning must be attended in order to join the retreat.

Teachings on the Ngöndro will start over the winter holidays, from December 27th, and will be accessible online. We encourage everyone to join as soon as possible.

Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche will open the retreat, which will be supported by one male and three female lamas and nuns from Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling and Nagi Gompa.


Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche has generously supported the retreat in Nepal with his personal funds, making it a great success in Nepal. The monastery provided breakfast, lunch, and dinner for all practitioners, fostering focus and community during breaks. Last year, the retreat in Nepal had 1,700 participants, profoundly changing their lives.

Following Rinpoche’s generous approach, Gomde is offering this retreat free of charge, enabling all who wish to dedicate their time to a month of intensive Ngöndro practice to participate. Those who have the means and wish to support this endeavor are welcome to donate; any amount will be appreciated and used to provide meals, heat the rooms in winter, and support the precious teachers guiding us.

If you would like to contribute:

5-10 Euros per day would be a symbolic contribution to this meritorious event.
35 Euros per day would approximately cover the costs of Gomde.
70 Euros per day would help sponsor the participation of others who can’t contribute. Any amount, bigger or smaller, will help to make this retreat happen!


  • Have taken refuge (last possibility before the seminar at empowerment with Rinpoche).
  • Prior experience in Buddhist meditation practice.
  • Joining the Wang, Lung, Ti from Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche at the beginning of the retreat.
  • Joining all sessions during the retreat.
  • Experience in retreat is preferable.



The monk and nuns who will accompany us in the retreat will arrive in the middle of December. The earlier you can arrive, the better – also to help prepare the house, get into a retreat rhythm, and receive precious preparatory instructions from the lama and nuns present. To join the seminar, you have to start by joining the Wang, Lung, and Ti with Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche approximately on the 4th and 5th of January. We recommend arriving before New Year. The latest arrival is the 2nd of January.

Preparatory Seminar from December 27th to January 3rd:
The lama and three nuns who will guide us in the retreat will already be present in Gomde and will lead practice sessions and teachings in a light manner, especially if you do not know the practice yet or have no experience in doing retreat.

End of Retreat:
Please plan to leave in the evening or afternoon of February 8th, so you can help with the clean-up of the house.


Everyone will be accommodated in multiple-bed rooms and dormitories with a maximum of 10 beds. If you wish to stay more comfortably, in a single room, or with your partner or friend in a double room, a limited number of rooms can be booked at Shantihouse and other accommodations in the area. Please write to nanda@gomde.eu


DD slash MM slash YYYY
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Everyone will be accommodated in multiple bed- rooms and dormitories with a maximum of 10 beds. If you require a single room, or a double room with your partner or friend, please let us know at this point, write an email to nanda@gomde.eu or mention it in the comment section of registration.
The Retreat is going to be held in English. Currently we are enquiring the demand for translation.

To support all participants as good as possible, we kindly ask for some information about you:

Have you taken refuge?(Required)
Have you already started practicing Ngöndro?(Required)
You can be practicing Ngöndro in any Terma tradition. The Ngöndro Text practiced in the retreat is Thukdrub Barche Kunsel. Rinpoche has stated that after joining this retreat you will be able to practice any other Ngöndro (f.e. Tara) with ease!
Have you attended any other retreats before?(Required)
Can you commit to 4 sessions a day during the whole retreat?(Required)

Date & Time:

January 1 - February 8

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