Internationales Buddhistisches Zentrum für Meditation und Studien

In der natürlichen und malerischen Umgebung abseits des Trubels des Alltags bietet Gomde die perfekte Umgebung, um authentischen tibetischen Buddhismus und Meditation zu erlernen und zu praktizieren. Unser Programm bietet viele Möglichkeiten sowohl für erfahrene, praktizierende Buddhisten als auch für Anfänger und Interessierte.

In täglichen Meditationssitzungen, Seminaren und im täglichen Leben streben wir danach, durch das Training unseres eigenen Geistes unvoreingenommene liebende Güte, Mitgefühl und Weisheit zu entwickeln und vollständig zu verkörpern. Dies basiert auf der Einsicht, dass das ursprüngliche Gewahrsein (rangjung yeshe), das diese Eigenschaften besitzt, in jedem Lebewesen vorhanden ist.

Das Zentrum wurde erworben, inspiriert und geleitet von der liebevollen Vision unseres Abtes Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche.

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Summer Fest

Join us on this weekend for our almost legendary summer fest. Great music, kids program, food, drinks, and great company!

Tonglen Tuesday with Lama Thierry

Tonglen Tuesday 7 pm – guided Tonglen practice sessions with explanations by Lama Thierry, approx. 1 – 1 ½ h Gomde offers weekly live online meditations with Lama Thierry via Zoom. The meditation sessions take place every Tuesday at 7 pm CEST . Participation is free of charge! Meeting ID: 891 0910 7129 Identification code: 146612 Loving kindness and compassion – although all beings have these qualities by nature, we do not always have access to them. In everyday life, we are often overwhelmed by our feelings. In this way, we are neither particularly helpful to ourselves nor to […]

Event Series
Join Us for Weekly Garden Day

Join Us for Weekly Garden Day

Register now Calling all green thumbs and nature lovers! Every Wednesday, we invite everyone to join us for our weekly Garden Day at Gomde. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, everyone is welcome to lend a hand. We kick off our day after morning practice and breakfast (which may start earlier in the summer months), and we work together until 5 pm, when we gather for evening practice.  Volunteers are kindly invited to join morning and evening practice and enjoy breakfast, lunch, and dinner at Gomde on Garden Day. Caring for our gardens is not just a […]

Tonglen Tuesday with Lama Thierry

Tonglen Tuesday 7 pm – guided Tonglen practice sessions with explanations by Lama Thierry, approx. 1 – 1 ½ h Gomde offers weekly live online meditations with Lama Thierry via Zoom. The meditation sessions take place every Tuesday at 7 pm CEST . Participation is free of charge! Meeting ID: 891 0910 7129 Identification code: 146612 Loving kindness and compassion – although all beings have these qualities by nature, we do not always have access to them. In everyday life, we are often overwhelmed by our feelings. In this way, we are neither particularly helpful to ourselves nor to […]

Yoga and Meditation – Balancing Body and Mind

Use the the energy of spring for relaxation and activation of body and mind. Book Now Treat yourself to four days of yoga and meditation at the beautiful Buddhist center Rangjung Yeshe Gomde! Within the lush nature of the Upper Austrian pre-alps, you can relax and heal from your everyday stress. Yoga with our certified yoga teacher Cecilia Pla will help you to rewind. In the hussle of daily life, the connection to the body can get lost, but through yoga, it is possible to reconnect and strengthen our relationship with the body.  In addition, regular meditation sessions will enrich […]

Tonglen Tuesday with Lama Thierry

Tonglen Tuesday 7 pm – guided Tonglen practice sessions with explanations by Lama Thierry, approx. 1 – 1 ½ h Gomde offers weekly live online meditations with Lama Thierry via Zoom. The meditation sessions take place every Tuesday at 7 pm CEST . Participation is free of charge! Meeting ID: 891 0910 7129 Identification code: 146612 Loving kindness and compassion – although all beings have these qualities by nature, we do not always have access to them. In everyday life, we are often overwhelmed by our feelings. In this way, we are neither particularly helpful to ourselves nor to […]

DGYA and ÖBR youth weekend in Gomde

Book Now Are you between 18 and 35 years old and want to learn about Buddhist wisdom in a relaxed setting and exchange ideas with people of the same age? 🗓️ From 23 to 25 June, the first youth weekend will take place in Gomde (Bäckerberg 18, Scharnstein), jointly organised by the Dharma Gyan Youth Austria and the Buddhist Youth of the ÖBR. During this weekend, we will mainly exchange ideas with each other and explore how we can utilise Buddhist wisdom for ourselves. ☀️ We will also have the opportunity to ask experienced Buddhist practitioners questions and receive advice […]

Tonglen Tuesday with Lama Thierry

Tonglen Tuesday 7 pm – guided Tonglen practice sessions with explanations by Lama Thierry, approx. 1 – 1 ½ h Gomde offers weekly live online meditations with Lama Thierry via Zoom. The meditation sessions take place every Tuesday at 7 pm CEST . Participation is free of charge! Meeting ID: 891 0910 7129 Identification code: 146612 Loving kindness and compassion – although all beings have these qualities by nature, we do not always have access to them. In everyday life, we are often overwhelmed by our feelings. In this way, we are neither particularly helpful to ourselves nor to […]

Meditate like a Buddha: Calm

How does Buddha meditate? If you have ever asked yourself this (or something similar), this seminar is for you! During this introductory weekend, you will learn the basics of meditation and the fundamental ideas of Buddhism. Book Now Enrich your life with the teachings of the Buddha Starting from the question of why living beings suffer and how they can free themselves from this suffering, over 2500 years ago Prince Gautama went in search of happiness , so to speak. The insights he gained into the nature of things, the mechanisms of the mind and the nature of being form the basis of Buddhist […]

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“Es geht um ein offenes Herz und einen klaren Verstand.

Ein offenes Herz ist voll von Mitgefühl für alle Wesen. Ein klarer Geist versteht die Leerheit aller Phänomene.

Dieses bedingungslose Mitgefühl und diese Weisheit zu entwickeln, ist das Ziel unserer Praxis.”

Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche

Rinchen Shop

Rinchen” – was auf Tibetisch “Juwel” oder “kostbarer Schatz” bedeutet, ist genau das, was wir dir anbieten möchten. Der Rinchen Shop bietet eine große Auswahl an authentischen Meditationsartikeln, traditionellen tibetisch-buddhistischen Ritualgegenständen und feinstem Kunsthandwerk. Ein Besuch im Rinchen Shop ist wie ein Streifzug durch die Märkte im Hochgebirge des Himalaya. Unsere große Auswahl an Geschenken wird dafür sorgen, dass du etwas Besonderes mit nach Hause nehmen und deine Erlebnisse in Gomde mit deinen Lieben teilen kannst.


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