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Tonglen Online Meditation with Lama Thierry

Tuesday 7 p.m.- guided Tonglen practice sessions with explanations by Lama Thierry, approx. 1 – 1 ½ h

Gomde offers weekly live online meditations with Lama Thierry on Zoom. The meditation sessions take place every Tuesday at 7 pm CEST. Participation is free! Loving kindness and compassion – although all beings naturally have these qualities, we cannot always access them. In everyday life, we are often overwhelmed by our emotions. In this way, we are not particularly helpful neither to ourselves nor to others. In its essence, however, our mind is open and compassionate. With the help of concrete “tools”, we learn to reflect on our innermost nature, to nurture this compassionate core and ultimately bring it to full development. The Buddhist mind training known as Lojong is a complete toolbox, full of easy-to-use exercises and methods to strengthen our compassion and bodhicitta. By learning how to focus and calm our mind with the meditation technique „shamata“, we create a sound foundation to ground our mind training on. This simple, yet effective technique teaches us to direct our awareness, rather than being carried away by thoughts. Thereby we become able to use our mind in a more beneficial way for ourselves and others. One important exercise is Tonglen, exchanging ourselves for others. We mentally practice taking on the suffering of others and giving them our happiness. By changing our thought patterns, we become more aware of our connection to other beings and to treat them, and ourselves, more compassionately. This changes the way we deal with our emotions. We become more relaxed, open and gentle. Lama Thierry Lama Thierry, a Swiss “yogi”, who after twelve years as a Buddhist monk- 6 of them in retreat- now resides at our center, will guide us in this training. He speaks from his own experience, finds vibrant everyday examples that we can identify with, and refers to his extensive knowledge of the Tibetan scriptures on the subject.

The online meditation sessions take place every Tuesday at 7 p.m. via Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89109107129?pwd=Z1I3VGhGVHI4SUtiQXh2d2RvaUs2UT09
Meeting ID: 891 0910 7129 Passcode: 146612
We will open the Zoom “room” a few minutes early, so you can get comfortable with the app.

Date & Time:

November 21 - 19:00 - 20:00

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